Hearing Loss

1 in 6 of the UK adult population is affected by hearing loss  

Please inform us if you have a hearing loss and need or have any of the following to support your communication needs so that we can update your medical record and ensure that you receive the best service possible. 

  Communication Support Needs  
Do you have a carer or a personal assistant?  
Do you need a sign language interpreter?  
Do you use an app on mobile device to support communication needs?  
Do you wear a hearing aid?  
Do you use lip reading?  
Do you use hearing loop?      
Not everyone’s communication needs are the same.

A person with a hearing loss may require communication support  

Sensory Disability Team

They are a team of specialist staff you offer services to people who are
Hard of hearing
Having difficulties with tinnitus
Registered blind
Partially sighted
Visually impaired
Contact Details
Telephone: 028 3756 4444
Fax: 028 37 412087
Minicom: 028 37 412 421
Mobile: 07919103501

World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2022

Annual Asthma Review

Are you due an asthma review? Have you been contacted by us to make an asthma review appointment? It is important to have an asthma review in order for us to continue to safely prescribe your inhalers and check how well your asthma is controlled. Please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Pharmacy First Service – Emergency Hormonal Contraception

This service will ensure that women and young people aged 13 years and over will have timely access to sexual health advice and free emergency hormonal contraception

Summer Survival

The transition to summer holidays can be difficult with young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Please view the link BHSCT – Summer Survival – 1 (pagetiger.com) this provides resources to implement both at home and out and about, in addition to identifying ASD friendly event and activities available during the summer.


To minimise the risk for complications of asthma, it is advisable to have regular reviews.

We are inviting patients to attend for clinical review.

Patients will receive their invitation either by phone call or by letter in due course.

It is important that you attend for an asthma review to ensure you are getting the right treatment and it could help keep you free of symptoms.

Even if you are feeling well with your asthma its important to still attend your annual review when invited.


Men’s Health Week 13th – 19th June